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Cindy Ventura

Sound Healing

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Cindy Ventura


Come and discover the art of healing through sound..The main objective of this experience is to increase vibrations and resonate with your healthy life state. Cindy sets the scene with vibrating rhythmic sounds using bowls, mantras and shamanic instruments. This process improves concentration, facilitates mindfulness and connects with our emotions. It also encourages others to connect with their feelings and brings a sensation of tranquility.

2+ Sessions, Same Day

$95 per 45-min. session; $115 per 60-min. session

Per-Session Fee

$115 per 45-min. session; $125 per 60-min. session

Participant Limit


Grade Levels


Cindy Ventura

SEL-Based Yoga for Kids

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Cindy Ventura


Practicing different breathing techniques and yoga poses allows children to develop concentration, attention, memory and relaxation skills. In this yoga class the participants learn to relax with conscious breathing, which helps the participant channel their energy and be more prepared to handle difficult situations and increase confidence and self-esteem. Each participant will learn breathing techniques to strengthen their core muscles,

gain greater flexibility and balance, improve concentration and gain awareness of their body. This will also stimulate their creativity and imagination, sharpen their senses while fostering new friendship and companionship. In Cindy's yoga class the participants perform warm up exercises before getting into various yoga poses, they learn breathing exercises, sing mantras accompanied by healing music and aromatherapy. Cindy's workshops are also offered in Spanish. Cindy is a certified yoga instructor.

2+ Sessions, Same Day

$95 per 45-min. session; $115 per 60-min. session

Per-Session Fee

$115 per 45-min. session; $125 per 60-min. session

Participant Limit


Grade Levels


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Emotional Self Awareness & The Human Body Through Dance

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Donna Crump & Good Dance


Participants will be introduced to working with emotional balance and emotional states through dance. Participants will learn to express themselves through somatics, stretching and the universal movements of dance. This workshop encourages practices of finding balance, centering, and grounding, when it comes to expressing emotions. This workshop can be adapted for grades K-12. The progression of the workshop integrates the physicalities and sequential movements of the human body, (particularly the brain) its systems, and how we apply them in dance and everyday life. This can be offered as a single class or as a residency that has a culminating performance.

2+ Sessions, Same Day

$95 per 45-min. session; $115 per 60-min. session

Per-Session Fee

$115 per 45-min. session; $125 per 60-min. session

Participant Limit


Grade Levels


Gigi Fiori

Speaking Through the Arts

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Gigi Fiori


Join Gigi in speaking the universal language of art. This experience is based in the therapeutic benefits of creating art through exploration of multi/intermodal processes. The creative process promotes relief of stress, encourages creative thinking associated with problem solving, boosts self-esteem, activates our reward systems, and provides a sense of accomplishment. It allows people to find new ways to communicate and make connections, even between seemingly unrelated things. The best part is that there is no skillset required to participate, just a willingness to engage with the material. The goal of this workshop is to promote slowing down, mindfulness, and intentionality through two competencies of social emotional learning: self-awareness and self-management.

2+ Sessions, Same Day

$95 per 45-min. session; $115 per 60-min. session

Per-Session Fee

$115 per 45-min. session; $125 per 60-min. session

Participant Limit


Grade Levels


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Moving Voices

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Jalia Movement Arts


Through writing exercises participants in grades, 6 through 12 will use poetry and prose to express and idea, emotion, opinion or experience. The group will be guided to further express their ideas in movement, drawing from the imagery they created with words. This residency may be offered in as few as 6 sessions or as an ongoing program. Public performance options require a minimum of 12 sessions.

2+ Sessions, Same Day

$95 per 45-min. session; $115 per 60-min. session

Per-Session Fee

$115 per 45-min. session; $125 per 60-min. session

Participant Limit


Grade Levels


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Creative Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation, an SEL Experience

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Katherine Ospina


Yoga and Mindfulness:

Through imagination and storytelling, participants will explore yoga postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Creative Yoga is a gentle physical experience for each body. Participants will develop strength, flexibility, and coordination while learning positive breathing  and relaxation techniques to cope with stress. The intention of this workshop or residency is for participants to get to know their own body and get in touch with their breath while understanding how body and breath are connected in a fun way.


Participants will develop self-confidence. Self-control and self-awareness. They will explore topics such as self-love, gratitude, and kindness to help them gain skills to build self-esteem and regulate emotion in an inclusive environment.  



Participants will experience a simple approach and understanding to meditation, including the personal benefits. This workshop or residency will include a beginner’s approach to meditation, where participants learn applicable skills to utilize outside of sessions during challenging times.  Workshops and residencies will explore silent meditation, active moving meditation, loving kindness meditation and dancing meditation. Trauma informed dynamic mindfulness practices and sound healing meditation are also included.

2+ Sessions, Same Day

$95 per 45-min. session; $115 per 60-min. session

Per-Session Fee

$115 per 45-min. session; $125 per 60-min. session

Participant Limit


Grade Levels


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Sound Sculpture

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Katherine Ospina


During this workshop or residency, participants will explore sound. What is sound and how do we perceive sound? Participants will learn how to create sound instruments or sound sculptures and create their own sound experiences. Recycled materials are used for this project.  

2+ Sessions, Same Day

$95 per 45-min. session; $115 per 60-min. session

Per-Session Fee

$115 per 45-min. session; $125 per 60-min. session

Participant Limit


Grade Levels


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